
October 5, 2015

Assessment of Resources and Opportunities for NeuroAIDS Research (ARROW) 2015

5-6 October 2015


This second meeting continues a tradition started with the first ARROW conference from 2013. The aims of the meeting are to bring bench side NeuroAIDS research to bedside clinical HIV practice, to reflect on Western Europe & US vs. Romanian clinical models, and to bridge the gap between ID specialists involved in the care and treatment of HIV-infected patients, neurologists and psychiatrists. You can have a look at the agenda here.


For more information, visit the ARROW official website

September 3, 2015


20 October 2015


The HIV FORUM offers a unique platform for enhancing clinical knowledge of healthcare professionals working in the field of HIV therapy. Annual HIV Fora will be organized to stimulate community building and data sharing of clinical experience and research results. HIV FORUM is chaired by Drs Jonathan Schapiro, Anna Maria Geretti and Charles Boucher. HIV FORUM is developed by Virology Education.

- Are you enthusiastic about sharing clinical and research experience with your colleagues in an independent and interactive setting?

- Are you attracted by state-of-the art lectures by experts in the field?

- Are you interested in discussing your and your colleagues’ challenging clinical cases with Key Opinion Leaders?




The 1st HIV FORUM focuses on Integrase Inhibitors and will take place in Barcelona, Spain on 20 October 2015.

We would like to encourage you to register and submit your data for discussion. Here is what we can offer:

A state of the art program

An excellent faculty

An interactive setting


Complimentary registration

Complimentary accommodation on October 20th

Complimentary workshop dinner

Travel grants – a limited number is available and priority will be given to abstract and/or clinical case submitters


For registration & abstract/clinical case submission, please visit our website:


We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona!

August 14, 2015

International Lecture Series and Launch of The Martin Fisher Foundation

14 September 2015


The Martin Fisher Foundation is being established to celebrate and take forward the legacy of the incredible work which Martin led to treat with dignity, compassion and respect patients with HIV and focus on the development of new strategies for effective treatment and prevention.  This work was centred on Brighton and Hove but through his distinguished research career has had a global reach.


To view the detailed programme and register, please click here (registration is required). For further information or enquiries, please email


Learn more 

July 31, 2015

19th Annual Resistance and Antiviral Therapy Meeting

16 September 2015


The 19th Annual Resistance and Antiviral Therapy Meeting is to be held at Wellcome Collection in London. The tradition is to review and discuss aspects of virology research that advance understanding and have immediate application in care settings. 

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Visit the website

July 24, 2015

The Italian HIV Community and EACS mourns the loss of Professor Mauro Moroni - an inspiring physician, mentor and cofounder of the European AIDS Clinical Society

On July 20, Professor Mauro Moroni passed away at the age of seventy seven after a short illness. With his death one of the most charismatic infectious diseases doctors of Italy has gone.

In Italy and especially in his home city of Milan, he was the first pioneer and face during the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 80’s and early 90’s. Always engaged in numerous initiatives to fight off HIV/AIDS he was one of the founding members of the European AIDS Clinical Society. Until his retirement in 2009, he was Director of the Infectious Diseases Institute of the University of Milan. But more important, he was a very human person, always open to listen and help.  He had that rare ability to give energy and enthusiasm to those close to him whilst viewing problems sensibly and rationally; to many of us he was a dear colleague, mentor and source of inspiration.


His departure leaves an empty space in the HIV/AIDS Italian community. 


Prof. Antonella d’Arminio Monforte
EACS Governing Board member

June 1, 2015

JUSTRISLIDE, the official slide archive of the EACS

JUSTRISLIDE is a free, searchable, downloadable database of many thousands of slide presentations on HIV, HEPATITIS, NURSING and TB.  The presentations can be viewed online or downloaded for educational purposes - the site is designed as an open resource for all to use and is the official slide archive of the EACS. Register today and start browsing at Also check out the work of JUSTRI at

May 27, 2015

NIAID announces findings from the START study

Today, May 27th, the results from the START study were announced. START - a major international randomized clinical trial - has found that HIV-positive individuals have a considerably lower risk of developing AIDS or other serious illnesses if they start taking antiretroviral drugs sooner, when their CD4+ T-cell count—a key measure of immune system health—is higher, instead of waiting until the CD4+ cell count drops to lower levels. Together with data from previous studies showing that antiretroviral treatment reduced the risk of HIV transmission to uninfected sexual partners, these findings support offering treatment to everyone with HIV.


See press release and question and answers from NIAID:


Other material:

20th European AIDS Conference

15-18 October 2025 Paris, France

EACS Guidelines updated

The EACS 12.1 and the app are available for free on

Apple Store and Google Play Store

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Available here!

Special report on HIV stigma in the healthcare setting

More information

Educational Programme

Training and educating the next generation of clinicians and researchers is an EACS core activity.

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EACS Resource Library

Access all scientific content of EACS core activities! (members only)

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Interim Guidance

Interim Guidance on the Use of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV

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