
July 16, 2020

EACS new Articles of Association

On 14 May 2020, EACS held an extraordinary General Assembly during which the Articles of Association were amended. These new Articles of Association are finally implemented after in-depth consideration and following the principle of good governance.
For more information

July 14, 2020

Best practices in the management of women living with HIV

18 & 22 July 2020


Recently, the United Conference of Hepatogastroenterology and Infectious Diseases (UCHID) and Kasr Al-Aini HIV and Viral Hepatitis Fighting Group have decided to go virtual for their medical education plans in 2020. The first topic "Women Living with HIV" was initially planned as one face-to-face scientific day earlier in March but based on the current situation it will be held as two separate virtual meetings on Saturday 18 & Wednesday 22 July 2020. The meetings will discuss recent medical recommendations for women living with HIV in limited-resources settings, social & economic challenges that women face, highlights from CROI & AIDS 2020, and also recent guidance for supporting women in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. On 22 July at 8 pm CESTEACS-WAVE vice-chair, Dr Yvonne Gilleece, will join the event as a speaker, so be sure to not miss that session!

For more information and registration

June 26, 2020

Interview with Dr. Cristiana Oprea on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

"In my opinion, there is still an urgent need to implement on a larger scale efficient and appropriate programmes to lower HIV and HCV spread among PWIDs. Integrated, collaborative, multidisciplinary approaches to healthcare for PWIDs combined with intensive outreach initiatives would be essential".

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June 18, 2020

AFRAVIH issued a new book on “HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health”

“HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health”, supervised by Prof. Christine Katlama (France), Dr Jade Ghosn (France), and Prof. Gilles Wandeler (Switzerland), is a collective work by AFRAVIH’s network of over 190 experts spanning 17 countries. This comprehensive work geared at all French-speaking healthcare professionals and community actors offers updated insights on treatment and prevention strategies for HIV and hepatitis, and also covers sexual health as a fundamental aspect of human health.

You can find a short video presentation of the book here. Moreover, it is available in paper format from publisher EDP Sciences ( and is also downloadable free of charge as an ebook from here

May 28, 2020

Interview on the International Day of Action for Women’s Health with Dr Karoline Aebi-Popp

” One great thing about WAVE is that it involves an international group of both healthcare professionals of different areas and community representatives to endorse equality of access to care and standards of care for women living with HIV (WLWH). We focus on new opportunities like breastfeeding of WLWH in high resource settings and PrEP as a prevention strategy for women.”
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May 25, 2020

COVID-19 and HIV

Guidance on COVID-19 for people living with HIV (PLWH)

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May 22, 2020

Infographic for the ETW

Have a look at the infographic we issued on the occasion of the Spring European Testing Week 2020.

You can find it here

May 15, 2020

EACS and Life4me+ Joint Initiative on IDAHOBIT

On the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT), the European AIDS Clinical Society and Life4me+ interviewed some HIV clinicians and activists with the aim of breaking any form of stigma and discrimination towards PLWH and the LGBTI community.


You can find the full video on our Youtube channel here

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20th European AIDS Conference

15-18 October 2025 Paris, France

EACS Guidelines updated

The EACS 12.0 and the app are available for free on

Apple Store and Google Play Store

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Educational Programme

Training and educating the next generation of clinicians and researchers is an EACS core activity.

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EACS Resource Library

Access all scientific content of EACS core activities! (members only)

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New Interim Guidance

Interim Guidance on the Use of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV

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