
March 3, 2021

European Hector Research Award in HIV 2021

The H.W. & J. Hector Foundation, Weinheim, is announcing a prize for European HIV research, which will be awarded for the best scientific achievements in the HIV research area in 2020.
Any paper on an HIV-related topic that has been accepted or published in a peer-reviewed journal within the last 24 months (i.e. from October 27, 2019) before the start of the 18th European AIDS Conference can be submitted.
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March 3, 2021

First WEEPI-funded projects being rolled-out

The Western-Eastern European Partnership Initiative on HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis (WEEPI) awarded its first grants in late summer 2020. Seven ‘stage 1’ projects, covering a range of clinical and implementation research topics across the three disease, have been initiated and are being implemented by project teams in four countries in dialogue with WEEPI-affiliated researchers. The projects are at various stages of implementation but all are in progress despite of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
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March 3, 2021

EATG PROMS in HIV Research

EATG did research into the use of PROMs for the development of new HIV medicines. Led by the community, the work comprised of a literature review, a survey with people living with HIV taking treatment and stakeholder interviews. The purpose of the work is to describe the current use of PROMs in HIV research and development as well as to inform an advocacy agenda to guide the use and development of PROMs, highlighting the role of communities living with or affected by HIV. It provides a concrete set of recommendations for people living with HIV, pharmaceutical companies, researchers/clinicians and regulatory bodies/HTAs.
Read the full report

February 26, 2021

In memoriam of Dr Charles Boucher

Dear EACS members, dear friends,


It is with deep sadness that we learned of the death of Charles Boucher. An acclaimed researcher and professor, Dr Boucher was a profoundly important international leader in the fight against HIV and AIDS. He was professor in Virology at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam and scientific director at Virology Education, Utrecht, Netherlands. Among many important research cooperations and initiatives he was a pivotal driver of SPREAD (Strategy to Control SPREAD of HIV Drug Resistance), an HIV-drug resistance surveillance program that studied the transmission of drug resistant HIV and a board member of the European Society for Translational Antiviral Research (ESAR). While celebrating the tremendous scientific and academic accomplishments that mark the prolific career of Dr Boucher, we mourn not only the loss of a great humanitarian and inspired teacher but also of what he might have brought to the fight against HIV and AIDS around the world in the years ahead. He was paramount in delivering medical education in the HIV space all over the world with an amazing variety of spot-on topics and a very active supporter of young talent. Above all he was a very gentle, humorous and fun person to be with. He will be missed terribly. 


Sanjay Bhagani, President

Jürgen Rockstroh, Immediate Past President

February 11, 2021


17-20 May 2021


The next International Symposium on HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases (ISHEID) will exceptionnally be virtual and is scheduled from 17 to 20 May, 2021.
The understanding of HIV and HCV infections continues to grow rapidly, especially regarding our ability to develop novel prevention and therapeutic strategies that will lead to the reduction of new infections. The burden of non communicable diseases in HIV infected subjects implicates a multidisciplinary approach of the infection and the need of close interactions with specialists from other disciplines.
ISHEID 2021 will dedicate a privileged place to state-of-the-art presentations, as well as to debates among experienced and younger investigators regarding new data and their implications. This event will have invited lectures by European and International leaders, as well as oral abstracts and poster presentations.
It will be unique in its approach, as it will engage basic scientists and clinicians from the HIV, HCV and emerging infectious diseases fields.

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January 12, 2021

WAVE survey on PrEP in women

The journal of Virus Eradication published an article on the WAVE’s survey on PrEP in women : "Achievements and gaps to provide pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for women across the European Region - Results from a European survey study"

Read the article 

January 6, 2021

Meet the new Governing Board

The new Governing Board has been elected among the EACS members of their respective regions; their mandates started on 1 January 2021.  

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20th European AIDS Conference

15-18 October 2025 Paris, France

EACS Guidelines updated

The EACS 12.1 and the app are available for free on

Apple Store and Google Play Store

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Available here!

Special report on HIV stigma in the healthcare setting

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Educational Programme

Training and educating the next generation of clinicians and researchers is an EACS core activity.

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EACS Resource Library

Access all scientific content of EACS core activities! (members only)

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Interim Guidance

Interim Guidance on the Use of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV

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