
October 11, 2021

"Respect my HIV" campaign

London, 30 October 2021


It is time to change the paradigm of fighting something. Therefore, the key message of the new campaign is:

“Respect diversity: HIV status, sex work, sex, gender, sexuality, migration, mobility, choice, love, freedom, diversity, dignity, ethnicity, special needs, well-being, sexual and mental health, intimacy, lust, rights, faith and humanity”.

The main event of the campaign is a demonstration and march through the streets of London on Saturday 30 October, at 2:30pm UK time.

More information

October 11, 2021

Race to support children living with HIV

The race to support children living with HIV will kick off on 27 October at 17:45 GMT at the opening ceremony of the 18th European AIDS Conference held at ExCeL London. The race will end 36 days later on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan on World AIDS Day – 1 December 2021.

The aim of the race is to raise the level of public awareness and understanding around the problems faced by children and adolescents living with HIV in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Funds raised will also provide support for a camp for Russian-speaking children living with HIV.

More information

October 7, 2021

HIV and SARS-CoV-2 hybrid symposium - Call for abstract - Prolonged until 7th of October

21 October 2021


Since the pandemic outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in 2020, the HIV Cure Research Center lab has invested heavily in the initiation of key COVID-19 research. Therefore, for the second year in a row, we decided to organize an HIV and SARS-CoV-2 hybrid symposium, which will take place on the 21st of October. During this symposium key aspects of SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis and HIV cure will be discussed.

The deadline for abstract submission is October 7th, 2021.

For more information about the symposium, click here.



October 4, 2021

Liverpool Masterclass in Antiviral Pharmacology 2021

10 November 2021


The University of Liverpool Drug Interactions Group are hosting the “Liverpool Masterclass in Antiviral Pharmacology (LMAP)”, a free educational webinar on 10th November 2021 between 15:00-17:50 GMT. Developed by the team behind the Liverpool HIV, Hepatitis and COVID-19 Drug Interaction tools, this webinar has been specifically designed for healthcare professionals, exploring emerging topics in the clinical management of HIV and COVID-19, especially in relation to clinical pharmacology, management of drug-drug interactions (DDIs) and complex patient cases.

Sessions will be a range of talks and case-based presentations and each half with conclude with an interactive Q&A session.

For further details and to register:

September 7, 2021

18th European AIDS Conference - Plenaries line-up

28-29 October 2021


We invite you to join us for the plenary lectures of the 18th European AIDS Conference that will take place on Thursday and Friday, October 28-29, 2021 from 9:00-10:05:
- On the path to zero, Teymur Noori, Sweden

The Ying and Yang of SARS-CoV-2 and HIV vaccinology, Richard Koup, United States

The final word on weight for 2021: The past and what should we do in the future?, Jordan E. Lake, United States

Resilience: Growing from adversity, Jane Marshall, United Kingdom
Read the lecture synopses 

September 7, 2021

EACS 2021 Pre-Conference Events

27 October 2021


The WAVE workshop and the EACS Pre-educational course will take place on Wednesday, 27 October 2021.

Read more on their programme

September 7, 2021

Positive Art Exhibition

EACS wil organise a virtual exhibition at the 18th European AIDS Conference.
Artists living with HIV are invited to submit their work - drawings, paintings, prints, photographs, short movies or images of 3D exhibits – which must have been created from 2018 to 2021.

Art that has HIV-associated subjects at its heart is particularly welcome and, if preferred, artists can be anonymous.

Click here for more information

September 7, 2021

UCHID 2021 endorsed by EACS

30 September - 2 October 2021


The United Conference of Hepatogastroenterology and Infectious Diseases (UCHID2021) will take place from 30 September to 2 October 2021, (Hybrid / 3D meeting). UCHID is the greatest integrated scientific meeting that is held annually in Egypt and aims at bringing together all the stakeholders, clinicians, scientists and Endemic medicine associates from all around Egypt to discuss latest updates and advances in the field of hepatology, gastroenterology, infectious diseases and related disciplines.
This year, the conference activities are endorsed by the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS), the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) and the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) and the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society.
More information


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20th European AIDS Conference

15-18 October 2025 Paris, France

EACS Guidelines updated

The EACS 12.0 and the app are available for free on

Apple Store and Google Play Store

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Educational Programme

Training and educating the next generation of clinicians and researchers is an EACS core activity.

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EACS Resource Library

Access all scientific content of EACS core activities! (members only)

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New Interim Guidance

Interim Guidance on the Use of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV

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