External Publications

The journal HIV Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal of international research papers in the field of HIV medicine, listed in Index Medicus and on Medline. With an impact factor of 3.454, it is now one of the premier publications for the latest research and clinical findings in HIV medicine, and is the official journal of the British HIV Association (BHIVA) jointly with the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) and the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM).

HIV and Virology News - www.hivvirology.com
A quarterly magazine with 4 issues per year, distributed free of charge, to specialists in Infectious diseases in 13 countries in Europe.
Web app free download and instructions: www.hivvirology.com

Aging with HIV/AIDS in the Netherlands
Aging with HIV was originally written and published in Dutch by the Dutch Aids Fonds. Yet many of the problems that are reviewed do not only apply to the Netherlands. The situation in other Western countries with similar healthcare systems is comparable or will become so in the future. For this reason the Aids Fonds decided to publish an English compilation of the book, containing a selection of the information presented in Aging with HIV that would be relevant for a wider international audience.
The English compilation was supported through joint funding from both the Stichting Aids Fonds-SOA Aids Niederland and the European Aids Clinical Society (EACS).
This English compilation is now available as a downloadable PDF.

International Journal of STD & AIDS provides a clinically oriented forum for investigating and treating sexually transmissible infections, HIV and AIDS. Publishing original research and practical papers, the journal contains in-depth review articles, short papers, case reports, audit reports, CPD papers and a lively correspondence column. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

20th European AIDS Conference
15-18 October 2025 Paris, France

EACS Guidelines updated
The EACS 12.1 and the app are available for free on

Educational Programme
Training and educating the next generation of clinicians and researchers is an EACS core activity.

EACS Resource Library
Access all scientific content of EACS core activities! (members only)

Interim Guidance
Interim Guidance on the Use of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV