Standard of Care for HIV and Co-infections in Europe - Virtual, Tbilisi 2020
The 4th Standard of Care for Co-infections in Europe meeting was scheduled to be organised in Tbilisi, Georgia. However, because of the current pandemic situation the organising committee decided to organise it as an online meeting.
The 2020 meeting gathered HIV experts from all over Europe with a particular emphasis on the Eastern and Central European region.
The aim of this meeting was the elaboration of a common platform for European standard of care that will provide institutional stakeholders with the instrument to elaborate a strategy at improving care in order to fill the gaps that currently exist among the different European regions.
The main topics were:
- Data from Standards of Care initiatives – Analysis and debate
- HIV and COVID-19 coinfection
- Barriers to PrEP delivery
- HIV and comorbidities – Implementing services for the ageing HIV-infected individual
The meeting was composed of three parts:
- 22 October – online meeting
- 23 October – 29 January – Three online workshops
- 10 February 15.00-16.30 CET – Wrap up online session
Steering Committee
Dr Nikoloz Chkhartishvili
Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center
Tbilisi, Georgia
Dr Andriy Klepikov
Executive Director of the Alliance for Public Health
Prof. Jens D. Lundgren
Righospitalet & University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Cristina Mussini
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Modena, Italy
Dr Cristiana Oprea
Victor Babes Clinical Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Jürgen Rockstroh (Co-chair)
University Hospital Bonn
Bonn, Germany
Dr Ann Sullivan
Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
London, United Kingdom
Prof. Tengiz Tsertsvadze (Co-chair)
Infectious Diseases, AIDS and Clinical Immunology Research Center
Tbilisi, Georgia
Scientific Committee
Scientific Programme
EACS Standard of Care meeting report
Отчет о встрече EACS "Стандарты помощи при ВИЧ-инфекции и коинфекциях в Европе 2020-2021
European HIV doctors conduct their first-ever region-wide audit of services

20th European AIDS Conference
15-18 October 2025 Paris, France

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Interim Guidance
Interim Guidance on the Use of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV