The European Young Investigators (YING) is an exciting educational project that aims to foster deeper and more frequent exchanges among young HIV experts across the WHO European Region. The fifth YING Conference took place on 14-15 June, 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.
This two-day event which involves plenary sessions and workshops is organised by a scientific committee composed of young experts. A young expert is a clinician or investigator who has published three or four articles, spoken at a major conference and who can demonstrate active professional involvement in the field of HIV for a maximum of 10 years.
Travel and accommodation
EACS will cover travel expenses and accommodation in Brussels for all selected participants for 2 nights (arrival on 13/06 and departure on 15/06). Upon confirmation of selection, participants will receive additional information about their travel and accommodation.
EACS membership
Upon confirmation of acceptance, participants will be required to become EACS members (if they are not already). Reduced fees are available for young clinicians/scientists (35 years or younger) and those from low/middle-income countries. Further information on EACS membership is available on our webpage.
Applications are be reviewed by the YING Steering Committee and Scientific Committee. In the selection procedure the geographical diversity will be taken into account.
Applications for the YING Conference 2024 are closed.
List of WHO European Region countries
YING travel and accommodation rules
Steering Committee
Tristan Barber (Chair)
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
London, United Kingdom
Jose Bernardino (Vice-Chair)
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Madrid. Spain
Agnès Libois
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint-Pierre
Brussels, Belgium
Oana Sandulescu
National Institute for Infectious Diseases "Prof. Dr. Matei Bals"
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Bucharest, Romania
Scientific Committee
Jasmini Alagaratnam,United Kingdom
Maximilian C. Aichelburg, Austria
Christine Gilles, Belgium
Jesper Damsgaard Gunst, Denmark
Uwe Koppe, Germany
Evangelia Kostaki, Greece
Dagny Krankowska, Poland
Agnès Libois, Belgium
Maria Mazzitelli, Italy
Silvia Nozza, Italy
Casper Rokx, Netherlands
Dominic Rowley, Ireland
Agata Skrzat-Klapaczyńska, Poland
Marta Vasylyev, Ukraine

The YING conference 2024, 14-15 June 2024, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 9 European CME Credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

20th European AIDS Conference
15-18 October 2025 Paris, France

EACS Guidelines updated
The EACS 12.1 and the app are available for free on

Educational Programme
Training and educating the next generation of clinicians and researchers is an EACS core activity.

EACS Resource Library
Access all scientific content of EACS core activities! (members only)

Interim Guidance
Interim Guidance on the Use of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV