HIV Summer School Online

22 & 24 September 2021

In 2021, the 2-day online course consisted of updates on the recent advance in current issues in HIV management, HIV prevention, co-morbidity and co-infections. The course  integrated clinical aspects and research methodology. It comprised 7 plenaries and 2-panel discussions followed by all participants. In addition, the participants were divided into groups of maximum 20 people to attend 4 workshops over the two days.


The course aims to provide a supportive environment with highly experienced statisticians and clinicians.


Before the course, participants received a list of readings, related to the plenary lectures that would be presented. They were also asked to prepare a set of questions on challenges they face during their clinical practice, or a manuscript they have recently read or research data for submission as an abstract/manuscript that can be discussed at the relevant workshops.


At the end of each set of plenaries, there was a panel discussion where the participants had the opportunity to engage with the faculty for in-depth discussions.


For the second half of each day participants were split into different working groups for case-based discussions or example-based abstract/paper writing skills and critical appraisal of research papers.


Scientific programme

Synopses - Plenaries

Workshop descriptions


Steering Committee

Dr Sanjay Bhagani, Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust and University College, United Kingdom

Prof. Dominique Costagliola, UMR_S 1136 INSERM and Sorbonne University, UPMC University, France

Prof. Stéphane De Wit, Saint-Pierre University Hospital, Belgium

Prof. Christine Katlama (Chair), Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière, France

Dr Nicola Mackie, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, United Kingdom

Prof. Caroline Sabin, University College London, United Kingdom



All young fully qualified medical doctors, mostly infectious diseases specialists with a special interest in HIV/AIDS were invited to register for the Summer School.


There were a maximum 100 places available for the HIV Summer School. Registration was on a first come, first served basis and was free of charge.


When registering for the workshops, participants were expected to submit a number of questions relevant for the workshop and prepare a short video presentation or poster on the HIV/AIDS situation in their country.

After attending the HIV Summer School all participants will be able to:

  • Apply in-depth knowledge and current understanding of the pathophysiology of HIV, co-infections, drug treatments, and co-morbidities to the management of patients living with HIV or HIV prevention
  • Identify the most commonly used study designs used in HIV medical research studies and list their advantages and disadvantages
  • Interpret the results of published hypothesis tests and critically appraise the methodology used in their generation
  • Understand the principles of writing abstracts/full papers and critically evaluate published papers

Participants attending the clinical workshops will be able to:

  • Formulate investigation and management plans for a wide range of clinical presentations
  • Appraise evidence-based for the optimal management of antiretroviral therapy and complications, viral resistance, opportunistic infections, co-infections and co-morbidities.

Participants attending the research workshops will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of developing a scientific abstract and a full manuscript of a clinical research project
  • Critically appraise published papers.

The HIV Summer School 2021, online,  22/09/2021 & 24/09/2021 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 6 European CME Credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

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