Message for World AIDS Day 2022

Another year has passed, and as we approach 2023, it is time for reflection.


Whilst the COVID pandemic may have subsided at least for now, we have seen more turmoil in the world: the invasion of Ukraine, the monkeypox epidemic and the threat of a global recession.


On this World AIDS Day 2022, we need to continue to focus on our vision for the largest pandemic to hit the world – HIV.  We have lost, cumulatively, between 30-40 million people to HIV/AIDS.  Whilst global events need our immediate attention, we need to focus on the long-term goal – elimination of HIV as a global threat by 2030.


At EACS we will continue to respond to immediate needs: care for displaced persons living with HIV, monkeypox as a new and viable threat for GBSMSM; but our mission remains steadfast: improving care for people living with HIV.


There are many more things we need to achieve to reach our goals for 2030: access to testing, and innovative testing strategies, equity in access to preventative therapy, access to treatment and care, management of co-morbidities and multi-morbidity, and most importantly, all of this with ‘zero stigma’.  There are huge discrepancies in our region: whilst some cities and countries are ‘on track’ to achieve zero transmissions, others are struggling with diagnosis, prevention services and linkage to care.  In 2023, we will embark on an important piece of work with our partners at ECDC and CHIP to define ‘standards of care for HIV in Europe’.  This will help with benchmarking and ensure that all across our region and the world we deliver the highest quality of care to prevent new HIV infections and improve the quality of life for people living with HIV.


As we end 2022, we need the time to reflect on the lives lost to the HIV pandemic. Amongst them were many dear friends, patients, colleagues, loved ones and family members.  Let this not be in vain, we can make this better for people living with HIV currently and future generations.


We hope you will continue to engage with us as we continue to move forward to achieve our goals for 2030.


The response is only ‘In danger’ if we do nothing about it.


Sanjay Bhagani, EACS President

Esteban Martinez, EACS President Elect

20th European AIDS Conference

15-18 October 2025 Paris, France

EACS Guidelines updated

The EACS 12.1 and the app are available for free on

Apple Store and Google Play Store

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HIV Summer School 2025, Lyon, France

Applications are now open until 3 March 2025!

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Available here!

Special report on HIV stigma in the healthcare setting

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Educational Programme

Training and educating the next generation of clinicians and researchers is an EACS core activity.

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EACS Resource Library

Access all scientific content of EACS core activities! (members only)

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Interim Guidance

Interim Guidance on the Use of Statin Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in People with HIV

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